2011年11月14日 星期一

week 8. Wireless stories



7Scenes Promo

MUSEUM app: http://www.waag.org/project/museumapp

Walking Cinema: Murder on Beacon Hill http://www.parkmanmurder.com/ http://www.untravelmedia.com/tours/
Storytelling with Locative Media: Michael Epstein’s take on ‘terratives’
Wireless Stories: optimism and doubts about the future of public space

research through design :
"designers produce novel integrations of HCI research in an attempt to make the right thing: a product that transforms the world from its current state to a preferred state."

"In this way design researchers focus on making the right things, while design practitioners focus on making commercially successful things."

Questions: 1. what is the "right thing" for designers to do?

